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Writer's pictureHeath Robbs

What I've learnt (so far) from my long hunt for the right cock cage

Like I mentioned in my post about my plan to start working out locked, I've been on a journey with chastity for a while now, and to be honest much of that wasn't particularly successful (I'm hoping to change that though!). I've been through four cages over a period of about ten years, with varying degrees of success. In this post I'm going to share what cages I've tried and what my experiences of using them have been.

My challenges when it comes to fit

My balls naturally sit quite high and tight to my body. Depending on the time of day, the temperature, how horny I am (and probably a bunch of other factors I don't understand) my balls will hang lower and looser sometimes, but sometimes they'll want to contract. It means that instead of my balls sitting below the cage and the ring, they sit right up in or beside the gap between the cage and the ring.

That makes it really hard to get the gap between the cage and the ring right. Too big a gap, and my balls will just fall through and the cage will fall off. Too small a gap, and my balls are crushed between the cage and the ring. And worst of all is when the gap is almost big enough for my balls to fall through, because it results in the agonising experience of a testicle retracting and getting stuck.

It means that not only is the size of the gap important, but also the location and size of the gap.

I think this has made it a little harder than it would otherwise be to find a well-fitting cage - one that's tight enough to hold everything in place but not so tight as to crush it. Here's what I've tried.

Cage #1: Imitation CB-X cage

This was my first attempt, and this cage was all wrong for me.

First of all, the cage section was too long for my dick (kind of embarrassing that I could misjudge by so much, but I think I got it before I learnt how to measure properly, and also if I remember correctly there weren't many sizes on offer). Because it's clear you can see exactly what's inside, so it always looked silly that my dick only filled up the first half of it and the rest was empty space.

I'm also not a big fan of the way it fits together. It has three main pieces: the cage, the ring, and this third piece that attaches the other two together using three bars. Each piece has holes in it, and the three bars go through the holes.

This was just too many parts. It made it complicated to put on because you had to line up not two but three different pieces of equipment. The multiple bars going through multiple holes just created more opportunities for it to pinch my skin or catch a hair, because I don't like to be completely shaved.

I also didn't like the way it looked, with or without underwear over it. It kind of poked out straight instead of curving like a flaccid dick. And the bulky system of bars creates a shape that doesn't look as good as the silhouettes you get from other cages.

Maybe if I had a bigger dick or a smaller cage, and was completely shaven, this would have worked better for me. But I am just not a fan.

Cage #2: Sexysamba stainless steel(?) cage

I don't know who produces this cage. I got it off Amazon, where it was branded 'Sexysamba' (the least sexy name I could possibly think of). But I've also seen it on other stores with different brand names and I haven't been able to find out anything about the manufacturer.

This cage is the one I think looks the coolest. It's made of thick metal with holes cut into it for air. The metal is thick so you feel like you're completely encased in it. It says it's made of stainless steel, and maybe it is because it hasn't rusted or anything. But I can't vouch for its material.

The ring is hinged at the bottom, so instead of pushing your balls through you just open it, wrap it around and close it again. This is cool because it means no fucking around trying to push your junk through the ring, and it also means you can use a pretty small ring because you don't have to try fit your dick and balls through it to get it on. But the hinge does occasionally pinch the skin on your scrotum, which isn't enjoyable I can assure you. It fits together by feeding the bar through where the ring closes - which also holds the ring closed - and then through the cage and locking it on the other side. It doesn't have its own locking mechanism, just a hole in the end of the bar to insert your own padlock.

I should mention, this cage came with spacers (short pieces of plastic tube that wrap around the bar to maintain the gap size) that aren't pictured here.

I like how heavy it feels - there's no way you can forget you've got it on. And I like that the lack of a built in locking mechanism means it requires an actual padlock, because there's something incredibly hot to me about the symbolism of having your dick locked with an actual padlock.

Unfortunately it didn't work very well for me. I tried a couple of different rings, but neither of them allowed me to wear it for a long period.

My balls would always fall out. Embarrassingly it would happen during sex as the pounding would shake the cage loose, or my balls contracting after my assgasm would squeeze through the gap and leave nothing for the cage to hold onto. I tried a couple of different sized rings but it didn't seem to make a difference, because the issue was with the size of the gap between the ring and the cage, not the size of the ring itself.

It's a shame because I love this cage and would love to wear it more often.

Cage #3: Imitation HolyTrainer

This was called an HT-V3, and I got it off Amazon from a seller called FYJENNICC. Basically though it's a cheap imitation of a HolyTrainer.

This cage was an improvement from the first two, and overall it was a decent fit. The ring being bent rather than flat makes it more comfortable for balls like mine that sit tight.

I think it looks cool too. I like how your dick is completely encased and invisible in here. It's like it doesn't exist at all. I'm guessing that's not ideal for cleaning if you're wearing it longer term though.

It works quite simply: the top of the ring has a kind of groove it it, and the cage component has a section that fits the groove. You slide the cage into the groove and then run the lock through to hold them together.

There was only one problem, but it was kind of a big one: the end of the cage dug into my skin and really hurt after a while. I think that maybe if I had less fat around that area it wouldn't dig in quite as much, so maybe if I lose a bit of weight I'll give it another try. Right now though, sadly it's a no from me.

I bought this as a kind of test drive before shelling out more money on a legit HolyTrainer. So maybe the real thing is better designed and wouldn't have that extra bit digging into me. At some point I'm keen to find out because I think the aesthetic is cool and the ring shape is really good (HolyTrainer if you're up for a paid partnership why don't you slide into my DMs), but at this point I haven't because in the meantime I decided to spend the big bucks on cage #4.

Cage #4: Kink3D Cobra

This cage is definitely the best one yet. Kink3D seems to be a popular brand and with good reason. It was pricey but I think when it comes down to it you have to pay decent money to get decent equipment.

I think this Cobra cage looks pretty cool. It works simply too: you fit the cage to the ring with interlocking tabs, then ring the lock through to hold them together.

The first size I tried didn't work. I picked a cage that was too big for my dick (embarrassing to make that mistake again), and I've also had to try a couple of different ring sizes. In the picture of all the cage components you can see the size I ended up with on the left, and all the other ones I tried on the right.

There are a lot of ring options, because not only are there different sizes, there are also different shaps and thicknesses of rings which all make a difference to the gap size. The people at Kink3D were really helpful when I contacted them about finding the right size. They gave me advice, and gave me a discount on the parts I had to buy because the first ones weren't working for me.

There's also a community on reddit for people exchanging parts, which might give you an opportunity to get something a bit cheaper or unload an unsuitable component with less sunk cost. And if you live in or visit the UK, rather than living at the edge of the world like I do, I think Kink3D might even do fittings at fetish expos which could prevent you buying the wrong size.

My balls still feel a bit crushed some of the time, and I often need to adjust the cage to give them a bit more space. But overall, this is the first cage I've been able to wear for hours at a time - I've even worn it overnight. And it's comfortable enough that I can sometimes forget I'm even wearing it.

My reckons based on trying all four

After trying out all four I definitely prefer the Kink3D cobra, but it was pricy (and even pricier than expected by the time I had to shell out for extra pieces because the first ones weren't right for me).

I also don't think it's necessarily fair to malign the other three. I think for other people with slightly different bodies (less fat and lower hanging balls) the others could work much better than they did for me. I also think that just because my imitation HolyTrainer was uncomfortable it doesn't mean the real thing would be too.

So I guess if you're hunting for cages my advice is:

  • Measure your junk carefully

  • If possible get a cage with multiple rings so it's more likely that at least one will fit

  • Buy good quality rather than cheap imitations, but be prepared to pay for it

  • Be prepared for the possibility that your first (or second or third) try won't work out; budget for it, try not to be discouraged if it happens, and look for opportunities to save or recoup some of the cost.

Keep following me if you want to find out more about how my chastity journey's going. You can subscribe for email updates on my website or follow me on twitter. I'm also writing gay chastity erotic fiction so keep an eye out for that soon.

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